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Image description: green house filled with plants, coloured fairy lights. At the back 2 people sit together reading a book

mum qs

Image Description: handwriting on pices of paper, stuck with sticky back plastic to a lamppost in the street. One of them reads 'Wha was it lik growing up not knowin your mum? Did you know she was dying when she was?'

Mum Q’s was an online invitation to share anonymous questions not yet said or uttered to the mother figures in our lives.


It opened in March 2017 whilst in residence on The White Pube’s website. The portal remains open and quietly collects, makes public and archives these questions as anonymous offerings:


to voice, share, and find commonality or dissonance


in the relationships we have with our mothers.

Photograph of a book being held open, written on the page is 'how an I make you see that you have so much to give?' and 'dear mother figure, how do you grow somethin without forcing it to go in a particular direction? how do u love somethin witout breking it? u aways said u hadto break me or the world would. i dont agree with u but now im gonna have a kid of my own and i know the world will break us all. my job is just to keep it safe but how do u do that without limiting life or its possibilities? tese are questions to ask the ethical non-monogomists and the enlightenment white men, but in the meanwhile, mother, im asking you. not that you're my mother. but u will do. xo'
Image Description: A close-up of the book, focused on one piece of writing 'IS there something about me that I've lost, that you miss?'

The first collection of contributions was published as Private Insurrections to Loosen Public Ground: a self published artist book. This is currently in vol1 and the first edition of 50 was printed in August, 2018 (sold out). 


It includes a text: Diaristic Mirrors, a musing on the act of receiving and sharing the questions by fly posting them around Lewisham. 


The wider project is a growing collection of...


autoethnographic, disparate and unfinishe


text based contributions and you can contribute your questions 



We would like to use the publication to host conversations around the content, please get in touch.

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